SynOptics II - GeoMetrical Appearances in Optical Light
An exhibition of 3D Computer Graphics by Jan Zehn (2002-2018),
September 2018 - January 2019 at the offices of the JAT Jenaer Antriebstechnik

LOCO-DYNA-MORPHICS - An audio-visual essay on the physics of natural numbers
A new full-length cyber-ascoustics show especially created for the SAT Dome.
In association with the SAT Montreal, supported by ELEKTRA and Goethe Institut.
Read more... Watch the new 50 minutes show on the FDDB

Matrix Optimizer 2.0 is a 25:07 minutes AudioVisual Fulldome show demonstrating our
new matrix animation sequencer in a special 21 virtual audio channels production for
the innovative SpatialSound Wave system. Read more... Watch the new show on the FDDB

"Singing Heavens" was a 3:02 minutes scene of Music Visualization for:
The Kepler Project - A Play About Paradigm Shift Then And Now - By Nina Wise.
In Collaboration with Ralph Abraham & The Morrison Planetarium, Music by Zoe Keating.
Click the image to read more about this project. Watch the Kepler scene on the FDDB.

Developing on a CymaSonics based Modular Workbench, end of 2010 we got to be invited
to the Fulldome Festival 2011: VisuaLiszt. We tried to become familiar with the music
of Franz Liszt and finally Bergi decided to create a workbench based audio-visually
animated show of Franz Liszt's "Ballade No. 2", we called "Liszt From Space".
Click the image to read more... Watch the LisztFromSpace show at the FDDB.

An 'objective' algorithm to convert video into sound
- used on an animation from the SESFIG 7/2010

The CymaSoniXplorer v9.4 betaGamma
diving through the fascinating cymatrical shape matrix'space
an inter-active processing patch, designed by Bergi 6/2010

special note: this patch uses OpenGL routines. You may get security warnings. please ignore ... or try this P3D version
- This is also recommended if you do not have OpenGL aware hardware.

First examples animating the art mines of the "Image Evolution Generator"
.... with new fulldome perspectives nicely displayed 6/2010

CyMatrix II 3D OnLine Browser v 0.555, by Bergi 5/2010

The proovably non-fictional science "Image Evolution Generator" (SESFIG)
intensively network-propagated by his FriendlyNess Alter S. Bergii 5/2010

"CymaSonics - Matrix Optimizer 1.0.1"
Fulldome audio-animated movie clip @ Fulldome Festival Jena 5/2010
Click the image to read more... Watch the first Matrix Optimizer show at the FDDB.

"Light Space Port - Listening Forms & Seeing Sounds"
A trans-medial scientific art performance live at Kulturbahnhof Jena 11/2009

Matrix Transfer (POV-ray renderings & animations) since 7/2009

Bergi programming the first "CymaSonic Theme Generator" (Processing) 5/2009

Jan programming the CyMATRIX I (TP on DOS) 4/2009

"SynOptics", Bryce4 Design studies ON: HOLY OPTICs (2000-2008)
3D Computer graphics exhibition, Cafe Gruenowski Jena 6-9/2008

"Sound Space Ship EAR OF GOLD"
CymaSonics @ Liquidsound Festival 2007

Mozilla . 1280 x 1024 . True Color . Full Screen

CopyLeft 0x7DA by Jan Zehn & Stefan Berke TEN ART COMMUNICATIONS